The Swedish Telecommunication Market

The Swedish Telecom Market report is one of Sweden’s most important survey of telecom operators. The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS), has been tasked with tracking developments in the electronic communications market, promoting competition in that same market and inform consumers. As a part of these tasks, PTS collects and publishes market data in this report, the “Swedish Telecommunications Market” annually. The data is also used in various analysis within PTS.

The Swedish Telecom Market was updated on 24 June 2023. 

This includes statistics about subscriptions, revenues, data traffic and more in the areas:

  • Mobile call and data services
  • Internet services (broadband)
  • Fixed telephony
  • Traditional TV services
  • Data communications services and dark fiber to consumers

For the first half of 2022 and the first half of 2023, collected data will be published as statistics on the Statistics Portal, but a report regarding the half-year's collection will not be produced.

1999-2021 PTS published twice a year (one report on the previous full year published in June and one for the first half published in November).

Documents: Here you can find documents such as the report, questionnaire, list of participants, tables, and more.

Tables with statistics: Here you can find statistics at the operator level and market shares by clicking on the area you want to know more about. In some tables, the field for the first half is blank, which means that the question has not been asked in the survey for the first half-year.

For the most recent statistics, always refer to Statistics Portal. Changes as a result of supplements and corrections after publication of the report version are documented under Change Log.