Change log

The Swedish Telecommunications Market - log of changes


All changes in the statistics, as of and including the publication of the most recent version of the report ‘The Swedish Telecommunications Market’, are found below.

The gathering of operator data continues even after publication of 'The Swedish Telecommunications Market', which means that PTS's database for operator statistics is being continuously improved and that the response frequency is increasing. However, current changes in the statistics as a result of supplements and corrections after publication of the report are reflected only in the interactive online Statistics Portal. In the traditional paper version of the report (including the PDF version of it, available on and, such changes are only updated each half year in conjunction with the publication of new versions of ‘The Swedish Telecommunications Market’. You should consequently refer to the online Statistics Portal for the absolutely latest statistics.


Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2020 during publication


Late changes affects tables 1, 2, 8, 9 and 28. The tables will be updated around 24 Juni. 
Tele2 Sverige AB: 

Tele2 has just before the publishing of the data informed PTS that their numbers are not correct due to Tele2 dismantling it’s analogue cable network in September 2020. This meant that almost all Tele2/Com Hem analogue cable TV subscriptions via property owners switched to digital cable TV subscriptions via property owners.

The number of subscriptions via the digital cable network increased from 674 to 1.8 million. Many households in multi-family buildings now have a digital connection via the property owner that is included in the rent, as well as a digital subscription with expanded channel offerings.

The total number of analogue cable TV subscriptions (including SMATV[1]) was 485,000 million on last December 2020.

Changes in tables 1, 2 och 28:

  • Analogue tv i kabelnät via fastighetsägare ändras från 1 650 980 till 6475.
  • Digitala grundabonnemang via kabel tv-nät  via fastighetsägare ändras från 6 914 till 1 651 419.
  • Digitala abonnemang i kabel-tv-nät där ni har avtal direkt (dvs. en direkt fakturarelation) med hushåll som i sin tur även har avtal om analogt grundabonnemang via fastighetsägare: från 499 646 till 0.
  • Digitala abonnemang i kabel-tv-nät där ni har avtal direkt (dvs. en direkt fakturarelation) med hushåll som i sin tur även har avtal om digitalt grundabonnemang via fastighetsägare: från 524 till 500 170. 
Global Connect/IP-Only: 
Tables 1, 2, 8 och 9:
  • Number of trafic minutes fixed telephony
  • Number of calls fixed telepfony 


Change in previous reporting (historical changes) during the reporting of The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2020 (only in Swedish)



Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half-year 2020 during publication

Change in previous reporting (historical changes) during the reporting of The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half-year 2020 (only in Swedish)



Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2019 during publication

Change in previous reporting (historical changes) during the reporting of The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2019 (only in Swedish)


Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half-year 2019 after publication

Change: The number of private contract subscriptions for for mobile voice only: Change from 109 148 to 93 858 for Telenor.

Change: 612 of the satellite subscriptions for operator Telekometen was moved to xDSL subscriptions.

The estimated SMAtv subscriptions has been rounded to 177 000.



Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half-year 2019 during publication

Change in previous reporting (historical changes) during the reporting of The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half-year 2019 (only in Swedish)



Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2018 after publication

Change in previous reporting (historical changes) after the reporting of The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2018 (only in Swedish)



Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2018 during publication

Change in previous reporting (historical changens) during the reporting of The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2018 (only in Swedish)



Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half-year 2018 after publication

Change: Subscriptions on television services SMATV (analogue cable television subscriptions): Change from 198 000 to 146 000, first half year 2018.
Traffic from mobile data services (Tbyte), of which traffic in 4G networks, first half year 2018: Change in traffic in 4G networks from 54 583 to 111 524 Tbyte due to correction from Teleonor.
After the publication of the Swedish Telecommunications Market first half year 2018, Telenor has corrected the following reported values:
Mobile call and data services - Number of outgoing voice traffic minutes (in millions) from end users, International outgoing traffic: Change from 77 088 to 36 467
Mobile call and data services - Number of outgoing mobile calls (in millions) from end users, International outgoing calls: Change from 23 415 to 11 076
The statistic portal and tables are updated with above corrections, but not the report.

Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half-year 2018 during publication

Change: Total traffic for mobile data services (Tbyte) of which traffic in 4G network: Change from 370 716 to 427 657 Tbyte due to late correction from Teleonor.

The database will be updated in beginning of December.

Change in previous reporting (historical changens) during the reporting of The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half-year 2018 (only in Swedish)



Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2017 during publication

Change in previous reporting (historical changens) during the reporting of The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2017 (only in Swedish)



Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half-year 2017 after publication

12 February 2018: After the publication of the Swedish Telecommarket first half year 2017 the following corrections have been made by the operators: 

- Revenues from internet subscriptions, 2014 (from 366 to 135 billion SEK) and 2015  (from 450 to 217 billion SEK)
- Number of internet subscriptions, first half year 2017.

- Traffic from LTE, first half year 2017.

- Analogue cable TV, first half year 2017
- Number of internet subscriptions, via  group connection, first half year 2015 and first half year 2016.

- SMS from computer system, first half year 2015.
Number of internet subscriptions – Upp stream, 2016: Additional data collection from the 10 largest operators.
The statistic portal and tables are updated with above corrections, but not the report.



Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2016 during publication

Change in previous reporting (historical changes) during the reporting of The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2016



Correction to The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half-year 2016 after publication

After publication of The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half-year 2016, Bahnhof has corrected reported values in the area of fixed broadband, mainly private fibre and fibre-LAN subscriptions. Bahnhof’s correction: subscriptions on fixed broadband increase from earlier reported approximately 166 000 to 198 000 subscriptions. This is an increase by approximately 33 0000 subscriptions of which approximately 32 000 are private fibre and fibre-LAN subscriptions. Bahnhof’s market share on fixed broadband increases from 4.7 till 5.6 per cent.