3. Broadband services

Development of broadband services

Estonia, Finland, and Denmark had the highest numbers of total broadband subscriptions recalculated per capita in 2022. This indicator includes subscriptions of all kinds of fixed and mobile (e.g., mobile broadband in smartphones, dedicated data) broadband except M2M connection.  

Finland and Denmark showed the best results by subscriptions of broadband usually used at fixed locations – fixed broadband and mobile dedicated data broadband in 2022. The value of this indicator exceeded 0,7 subscriptions per capita in these countries.

Norway gained a leading position talking about fixed broadband subscriptions per household in 2022, but  Iceland remained a leading country by indicators of broadband subscriptions with data download speeds of 30, 100 Mbps, and 1 Gbps per household. 

The share of fiber subscriptions of all fixed broadband subscriptions was highest in Iceland and Sweden, exceeding 80 percent in 2022.

When combining fiber and cable subscriptions per capita, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark had the highest penetration rate with relatively 0,41; 0,39, and 0,37. The combined penetration rate for cable and fiber was increasing in all countries, mostly due to growth in fiber subscriptions.