About the Swedish Telecommunications Market

‘The Swedish Telecommunications Market’ is the name of a PTS report containing statistics about the market for electronic communications. This report has been published by PTS twice per year since 1999. It describes the current market situation and developments in the various sub-markets. The report focuses primarily on statistics, but it also contains analyses with supplementary diagrams in order to illustrate the course of events.

The report can either be read in PDF format or read online with access to additional presentations and descriptions of the report's tables and diagrams.

You should consequently refer to the online Statistics Portal for the absolutely latest statistics. Changes as a result of supplements and corrections after publication of each version of the report ‘The Swedish Telecommunications Market’ are only reflected in the interactive online Statistics Portal and consequently not in the traditional paper version of the report (including the PDF version of it on statistics.pts.se and www.pts.se). All changes are documented under Change log.